Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Introduction to Exeter

I can’t believe how busy I have been between the paperwork, getting to know various clubs, seminars on life and law in England…


Exeter is a beautiful place, but the hills are both a source of the beauty and my leg aches. My butt is sore after walking up these hills and when I get home and sit down my calves take their turn to complain. It’s a very nice small city and I’m amazed at how far a pound will go when I go grocery shopping.


At the club for SF, fantasy, and horror, there wasn’t much talk about any of that, but at the Sherlock Holmes fan club they talked about Holmes, Dr. Who, Harry Potter… I suggested they rename themselves the Fandom Club. They took that comment in the spirit in which it was intended.


The student body is pretty diverse and interesting.  I ran into some of the same people more than once and the conversations grow from there. I’ve found that I can strike up conversations with Chinese pretty easily by starting off with “Ni hao. Wo zai Nanjing Daxue wu nian jiao Yingyue,” which means, “Hi. I taught English at Nanjing University for five years.” The conversation usually moves back to English, but it’s the opening I need. I could end up with as many Chinese friends in England as I had back in China, depending on how busy everyone is.

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